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BolingoVerein Leads the Way with “This is Your Time”

During a recent meeting between youth associations and the Immigration Office, an annual review was conducted to assess progress made in supporting young immigrants. Despite some challenges, the associations presented encouraging results, reflecting a positive trend in their integration efforts.
The authorities emphasized the importance of experience and time in achieving successful integration initiatives. They reassured the associations, encouraging them to persist in their work and adopt strategies for gradual adaptation.
Among the standout initiatives, BolingoVerein distinguished itself by launching an ambitious project: “This is Your Time.” This program is designed to identify and nurture the talents of young immigrants born in Germany, providing them with tailored guidance and training opportunities.
Through aptitude tests and personalized mentoring, the project aims to create an impact-driven pathway that equips young individuals with the skills needed for their professional and social future. BolingoVerein continues to reaffirm its commitment to integration and empowerment, ensuring that young people of diverse backgrounds are prepared to take the lead in the future.
With “This is Your Time,” a new generation is stepping up to shape tomorrow!


Minutes of the Meeting with the Immigration Office

Thème : Une Nourriture Saine pour une Vie Durable

Date : 26.01.202

Lieu : Hamburg

Organisateur : Armel

  1. Introduction
    La conférence s’est tenue dans le cadre de la lutte contre le VIH, avec une approche innovante sur le concept de “nourriture saine” pour les personnes victimes du VIH. Le thème abordé ne s’est pas limité aux aliments physiques comme la viande ou le pain, mais a élargi la réflexion à tout ce que nos cinq sens absorbent et qui peut impacter notre bien-être physique, mental et spirituel.
  2. Développement
    Les discussions ont mis en avant plusieurs aspects :

L’influence des médias : Une mauvaise utilisation des médias peut avoir des effets néfastes sur notre santé mentale et notre perception du monde.

L’impact de l’entourage : Un environnement mal instruit peut influencer négativement nos choix et nos comportements.

L’alimentation et l’hygiène : Une nourriture mal préparée et une mauvaise hygiène de vie peuvent nuire gravement à notre santé.

L’usage excessif des écrans : Une exposition prolongée à l’ordinateur peut affecter notre vue.

La lecture et l’interprétation : Une mauvaise compréhension d’un livre peut entraîner une déformation intellectuelle au lieu d’une formation bénéfique.

  1. Conclusion et Recommandations
    Les participants ont pris conscience de l’importance d’un équilibre entre alimentation physique, influences sociales et consommation d’informations. Il a été recommandé de :

Promouvoir une consommation responsable des médias,

Veiller à un entourage positif et instruit,

Adopter une alimentation saine et une bonne hygiène de vie,

Réguler l’usage des écrans,

Approfondir la compréhension des lectures pour en tirer un enseignement constructif.

La séance s’est clôturée avec un appel à une vigilance accrue sur tout ce que nous absorbons, tant sur le plan physique que mental et spirituel.



Minutes of the Meeting with the Immigration Office

Date: 13th February 2025
Location: Thededtraße 99

  1. Introduction

The meeting between youth associations and the Immigration Office provided an opportunity to review the past year’s activities, discuss challenges faced, and explore ways to improve support for young immigrants. Each association presented its annual report, highlighting achievements and difficulties encountered.

  1. Summary of the Associations’ Reports

The various youth associations reported an overall positive outcome for the year, showcasing their strong commitment and impactful initiatives. Key challenges identified included access to funding, professional integration, and raising awareness of available opportunities.

  1. Immigration Office Recommendations

Representatives from the Immigration Office provided insights emphasizing the importance of patience and experience in project implementation. They reassured the associations, encouraging them to continue their efforts and adopt a long-term perspective.

  1. Presentation of the “This is Your Time” Project by BolingoVerein

As a dynamic and forward-thinking association, BolingoVerein took this opportunity to introduce its new initiative: “This is Your Time.” This program aims to support the integration of young immigrants born in Germany by guiding them into training programs tailored to their talents and abilities.
The project is built around:

A talent and aptitude assessment to identify young people’s natural skills.

Personalized coaching to help them develop their capabilities and choose the right training paths.

Active preparation for the next generation, ensuring they are well-equipped to contribute to society.

  1. Conclusion

The meeting was marked by constructive discussions and a renewed commitment from all stakeholders to strengthen youth integration. BolingoVerein once again demonstrated its leadership by proposing concrete and innovative solutions to help young immigrants shape their future.
The session was adjourned at 19h00.
Secretary of the meeting